
Dailymotion Free Watch The Aeronauts

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release year - 2019 creator - Jack Thorne, Jack Thorne Himesh Patel Directed by - Tom Harper Genre - Drama, Action 7,1 of 10. Free Watch The aeronautical. Well your not married Well-well That's because I'm rich.

“Its a live discussion” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. I think I saw it the first time in November 2019 and thought the movie was coming out in 2020. I thought it would be cool if he was a badass UFO UNDERCOVER BUT THE MOB FOK'ED WITH HIM BEING BULLIES. The aeronauts watch movie free online. Should have hired Grant Gustin as a police CSI just as an inside joke. Good work Amazon, I love this film, congratulations to the cast and crew! Keep up the high quality content. Omg I just realized its a short film. I spent 20 minutes searching Comcast, Hulu, prime video, hbo and showtime looking for this movie to rent tonight. Damn it looks good! Watched - 01/29/2020 Cant believe this is from 6 years ago and no major networks have picked it up yet.

Watch the aeronauts 2019 online free. Free Watch The aéronautique et de l'espace. Free Watch The aéronautique. This is an absolutely amazing concept. To think, this was made six years ago. This must become a big screen film. Free Watch The aeronautics. Watch the aeronauts online free. I got click bated by the gymnast with the huge badankadonk.

They flew directly into the sun.
It looks a bit wack not gonna lie, but its eddie radmayne so im sold.
Just popped up in my feed. Its November 2019. Thought this was a trailer for a real movie.
Mirror reversed videos means they've been stolen. Thumbs down.
Aktivitätstrends. Zyklusprotokoll. Innovationen für die Hörgesundheit. Der App Store direkt an deinem Handgelenk. Mit watchOS 6 bekommst du die Infos, die du brauchst, um gesund und fit zu bleiben. Und noch mehr Updates und Überraschungen, damit du dich wieder ganz neu in deine Apple Watch verliebst. Ob du mehr Funktionen an deinem Handgelenk brauchst oder es einfach nur gut aussehen lassen willst – es gibt neue Zifferblätter, die zu deinen Stimmungen und Interessen passen. Neue Komplikationen geben dir direkten Zugriff auf mehr Apps und Features, die du willst, genau da, wo du sie willst. Sieh dir die aktuellen Dezibelwerte, die Signal­stärke des Mobilfunk­netzes oder die Regen­wahrschein­lichkeit an. Nimm per Finger­tipp Sprach­memos auf oder tauche direkt wieder in dein Hörbuch ein. Jetzt hast du neue Möglichkeiten, die Zeit zu erfahren. Die Taptic Engine in deiner Watch kann dir zu jeder Stunde einen stummen Tap am Handgelenk geben. Du kannst einen Ton festlegen, den du zu jeder vollen Stunde hörst. Und wenn du zwei Finger auf das Zifferblatt legst, wird dir die Zeit vorgelesen. Du hörst gerade ein neues Lied, das dir gefällt? Heb einfach dein Handgelenk und frag nach dem Titel. Auf Modellen mit Mobilfunk­verbindung entdeckst du mit Siri und Shazam die neuesten Songs, auch wenn du dein Telefon nicht dabeihast. Bitte Siri, ein Thema zu suchen, und scrolle dann auf deinem Zifferblatt durch die Webseiten für die Top‑Ergebnisse. Jetzt hast du alle Antworten noch schneller zur Hand. Entdecke Zehntausende von Apps und lade sie direkt auf dein Handgelenk. Von Fitness bis Finanzen, Karten bis Musik – es war noch nie leichter, neue Apps zu finden. Sieh dir kuratierte Samm­lungen an. Such per Kritzeln oder Diktier­funktion oder nimm Siri zu Hilfe. Tippe auf eine App und scrolle durch die Infos, Screen­shots und Rezensionen. Mit der neuen Hörbuch App werden Apple Books Titel in deiner „Jetzt lesen“ Liste automatisch mit deiner Watch synchro­nisiert. Du bist mitten in einem Buch und kannst einfach nicht aufhören? Tipp einfach auf das Cover und danach auf die Wieder­gabe. Es geht dann genau dort weiter, wo du stehen­geblieben bist, egal welches Gerät du zuletzt verwendet hast. Rechner, Sprach­memos und neu designte Erinne­rungen. Jetzt kannst du noch einfacher auf die Apple Apps zugreifen, die du liebst. Füge Animoji Sticker zu deinen von der Watch gesendeten Nach­richten hinzu, um sie noch lustiger und interessanter zu machen. Aktivitätstrends Verfolge deinen Fortschritt über die Zeit. Deine Aktivitätsringe zeigen dir, was du bei deinen Werten für Bewegen, Trainieren und Stehen den Tag über erreicht hast. Doch deine Watch zeichnet noch viel mehr auf – vom Gehtempo über das Treppen­steigen bis zum VO2max. Mit dem neuen Trends Feature siehst du, ob ein Wert über die Zeit aufwärts oder abwärts tendiert, damit du entweder wie bisher weitermachen oder den Trend umkehren kannst. Die täglichen Werte von deiner Watch werden in der Aktivitätsapp auf deinem iPhone gespeichert. In den Trends werden deine Mittelwerte der letzten 90 Tage mit der längerfristigen Entwicklung der letzten 365 Tage verglichen. Wenn du nachlässt, erhältst du auf dich abgestimmte Coaching­empfehlungen, die dich wieder auf Kurs bringen. Mit Informationen zu deinem Menstruations­zyklus bekommst du einen Überblick über deine allgemeine Gesundheit. So bist du nicht nur vorbereitet, sondern kannst Unregel­mäßig­keiten und Symptome besser erkennen und effektivere Gespräche mit deiner Ärztin oder deinem Arzt führen. Halte mit der neuen Zyklus­protokoll App täglich Details zu deinem Menstruations­zyklus fest. Du kannst Informationen zum Blutfluss hin­zufügen, Symptome wie Kopfschmerzen oder Krämpfe erfassen und ganz leicht Zykluslänge und -schwankungen einsehen. Alles das in einer einfachen, grafischen Übersicht in der neu designten Health App auf deinem iPhone. Mit den von dir festgehaltenen Informationen kann dich die Zyklusprotokoll App auf der Watch auf deine nächste Periode oder deine frucht­baren Tage hinweisen. * Du kannst sogar die Ergebnisse eines Ovulationstests und Werte von einem Basal­thermometer tracken. Lautstärke kann Pegel erreichen, die dein Gehör schädigen, ohne dass du es überhaupt merkst. Die neue Noise App erkennt, wenn das Rauschen einer Menschen­menge oder das Dröhnen von Maschinen ein riskantes Level erreicht. So dass du raus­gehen oder Ohrenstöpsel einsetzen kannst, um deinen Ohren eine Pause zu gönnen. Deine Watch überwacht die Geräusch­kulisse in deiner Umgebung und erfasst, wie lange du ihr ausgesetzt bist. Wenn die Apple Watch erkennt, dass der Dezibelwert einen Punkt erreicht hat, an dem dein Gehör geschädigt werden könnte, kann sie dir einen Tap am Handgelenk geben.

The aeronauts watch free. Eddie loves to play scientists.

's what Eddie Redmayne sounds like

It's not right to put in a fictional person in a historical drama. It just confuses people. They should have kept the actual partner of James Glaisher, Henry Coxwell with him in the movie. There were women who were actual aeronauts such as: Sophie Blanchard, wife of the first professional balloonist, who went on to make 60 trips on her own even after her husband died. She also made experiments, and had fun, setting off fireworks, and crossed the alps in her balloon! Then there is Camille Du Gast who was also an avid race car driver, who was friends with two other women balloonists who were widely renowned for their accomplishments. Why weren't these real women's stories told, their accomplishments, having the film focus on aeronauts the world over? Many of them corresponded with each other and were friends and knew of each other. This has been done successfully in films before, no reason why it couldn't, and do justice to history. It helps no one to put in people who weren't there. Aeronauts led exciting lives. Women aeronauts did face these sorts of challenges. I would have preferred based on their letters and history in newspapers, to see more of what women really faced than possibly some contrived scripting, that will feel cliche.

So Ryans a NPC that decides to play? Heros duty wreck it ralph. Just here to say if you didn't like this movie because they rewrote history because they changed the costar to a woman, but you like Once a part of time in Hollywood for writing history so a white dude could beat up a POC. Your priorities are in a stupid place. Amazing, Tom Cruise always surprises his audience. Here's a new twist - an historical male figure has been written out of a film and replaced by a fictitious female.

Project Almanac? seriously. The guy trying to put his luggage in the overhead wins for should not travel unaccompanied. Watch the aeronauts free online. Watch the aeronauts free. Free Watch The aéronautiques. The level of realism in this movie is amazing. It really feels like you're up in the balloon with them. Given I have a fear of heights, this movie gave my stomach the flutters. Thankfully, they didn't overdo those scenes. I'm guessing real balloonists are going to hate parts of the movie. I know nothing about the sport but some things were so farfetched it was obvious they weren't based in reality. Still, this is an action adventure movie, so just go with it.
I was a little apprehensive because I HATE the politically correcting that's currently going on in historical movies. I was glad to find out that Felicity Jones' fictional character was based on a real person of the time. Great performances by Redmayne and Jones. The story is interesting and director, Tom Harper's realization of it is fantastic. An entertaining movie. Check it out.

Olivia Cooke! yEEEES! give her more recognition shes such a great actress. This one was perfect. The Chernobyl reference melted me. This is the best fake trailer. WatchOS The homescreen of watchOS 6, with complications. Developer Apple Inc. Written in C C++ Objective-C Swift assembly language OS family Unix-like, iOS Working state Current Source model Closed with open-source components Initial release April 24, 2015; 4 years ago Latest release 6. 1. 2 [1] (17S796) [2] (January 28, 2020; 6 days ago) [±] Marketing target Smartwatch Update method FOTA (via iPhone 5 + running iOS 8. 2+) Platforms ARMv7-A ARMv8-A License Proprietary software except for open-source components Official website www /watchos Support status Supported watchOS is the operating system of the Apple Watch, developed by Apple Inc.. It is based on the iOS operating system and has many similar features. [3] It was released on April 24, 2015, along with the Apple Watch, the only device that runs watchOS. Its API is called WatchKit. The second version, watchOS 2, included support for native third-party apps and other improvements, and was released on September 21, 2015. [4] [5] [6] The third version, watchOS 3, was released on September 13, 2016, emphasizing better performance and including new watch faces and stock apps. The fourth version, watchOS 4, was released on September 19, 2017. The fifth version, watchOS 5, was released on September 17, 2018, [7] adding more third-party support and new workouts, along with the “Walkie-Talkie” feature. [8] The sixth version, watchOS 6, was released on September 19, 2019. [9] Interface overview [ edit] The home screen (rendered by and also known as "Carousel") [3] is composed of circular application icons, which can be zoomed in and out with the Digital Crown and dragged and launched by touching the display. Many of the apps are miniaturized, simplified versions of their iOS counterparts. Prior to watchOS 3, Glances provided fast access to a summarized view of the most popular native or third-party applications used on Apple Watch. [10] The Glances view was opened with a swipe up gesture from the watch face screen. With watchOS 3, Glances has been replaced by a redesigned Control Center – much like the one in iOS. The friends menu, invoked with the side button, now acts as a dedicated dock for apps. Different actions and options appear depending on if the user taps or deep presses which an Apple Watch detects with its pressure-sensitive ( Force Touch) Display. [11] HealthKit [ edit] For several years now, Apple has been developing its HealthKit product in a bid to change the way people interact with their devices. There is also a conscious attempt to penetrate the lucrative healthcare and wellness industry, which many observers believe to hold a huge growth opportunity for Apple. [12] This was confirmed by Jony Ive, Apple's former chief designer, in an interview. He said that health was a crucial element in the Apple Watch since the day of its inception and that the developmental trajectory of the hardware and the WatchOS were geared towards health-based capabilities. [13] Ive pointed out that that one of the primary apps that shipped with the first WatchOS allowed users to track and communicate as well as encourage them to move, exercise, and stand. He said: Many of us have our phones with us all the time, but they aren't connected to you. Imagine having something this powerful with you at all times, and what opportunities that might present to the user. The opportunity is phenomenal. Particularly when [you] don't understand just where we are today in terms of technology and capability, but where we are headed. [13] One of the most recent updates to the WatchOS included applications that do not only keep users active but also diagnose illnesses. For example, there is the app called DeepHeart, a deep learning network that can detect atrial fibrillation, hypertension, sleep apnea, and diabetes. [14] It taps the HealthKit platform to collect data, particularly those collected by the Apple Watch's heart sensor. Version history [ edit] Legend:   Obsolete   Discontinued   Current   Beta watchOS 1. x [ edit] Table of versions: watchOS 1. x – Apple Watch Watch family: 1st watchOS version iOS version based on Build Release date Features 1. 0 8. 2 [15] 12S507 April 24, 2015; 4 years ago Initial release on Apple Watch (1st Generation). UI Free floating Circular app icons in home screen. Zoom in with Digital Crown. 9 watch faces: [16] Chronograph Color Modular Utility Mickey Mouse Simple, Motion Solar Astronomy 20 stock apps: [17] Activity. Alarm. Calendar. Camera Remote. Mail. Maps. Messages. Music. Passbook. Phone. Photos. Remote. Settings. Siri. Stocks. Stopwatch. Timer. Weather. Workout. World Clock. 1. 0. 1 [18] 8. 3 [15] 12S632 May 19, 2015; 4 years ago Display support for new Emoji characters. Notification screen UI tweaks. Improved performance: Measuring stand activity. Calculating calories for indoor cycling and rowing workouts. Distance and pace during outdoor walk and run. Accessibility. Third-party apps. Wrist Raise (more sensitive to real-life wrist raises). Additional language support: Brazilian Portuguese. Danish. Dutch. Swedish. Russian. Thai. Turkish. Security fixes [19] watchOS 2. x [ edit] Table of versions: watchOS 2. x – Apple Watch [20] 2. 0 [21] 9. 0 [15] 13S344 September 21, 2015; 4 years ago New Watch faces Time-lapse face: Hong Kong, London, Mack Lake, New York, Shanghai, Paris Photo & Photo album faces with support for Live Photos New Time Travel function where you can see both past and future events Nightstand Mode 9 new colors for customization New multicolor Modular face 3rd party apps Complications support Siri Workout and Maps support FaceTime audio calling and email replying support HomeKit support Added support in following countries: Austria, Belgium, Norway Activity and Workout Workouts done in 3rd-party apps will be included in Activity rings Sharing support from Activity app on iPhone Interactive achievements Weekly Summary Activity notifications can now be muted for a day Workouts can now be automatically saved Apple Pay and Wallet Discover cards support Reward cards, store credit and debit cards support Passes can now be added from 3rd party apps Friends You can now add more than 12 friends to your Watch Groups support Multicolor sketches support Animated emoji support Maps New Transit view in selected cities List of directions can now be shown Station placards support with departure information Music New Beats 1 Radio support New Quick Play button for Apple Music Miscellaneous You can now reply to emails right from your Watch using dictation, emoji, or smart replies Support for FaceTime audio calls Support for Wi-Fi calling Activation Lock – No one can activate an Apple Watch without a proper Apple ID and password New system languages: English (India), Finnish, Indonesian, Norwegian, Polish Dictation support extended to include the following languages: Dutch (Belgium) English (Ireland, Philippines, South Africa) French (Belgium) German (Austria) Spanish (Chile, Colombia) Smart replies support extended to include the following languages: Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong, Taiwan) Danish Dutch English (New Zealand, Singapore) Japanese Korean Swedish Thai Developer Native SDK support 3rd-party apps can now access the accelerometer, heart rate sensor, microphone, Taptic Engine, and Digital Crown You can now play videos directly on your Watch You can now run apps without your iPhone with a Wi-Fi connection Complications for watch faces support Support for Workouts from 3rd party apps – Metrics will count toward the Activity rings as well as included in the Activity app on iPhone 2. 1 [21] 9. 1 13S428 October 21, 2015; 4 years ago New emoji characters Resolved: Software updates stalling Resolved: Battery performance deteriorating Resolved: iPhone calendar events not syncing to Apple Watch Resolved: Location information not updating Resolved: Instability with Live Photo on the Photos watch face Resolved: Heart sensor is on forever when Siri is used to help measure your heart rate 2. 2 13S661 December 8, 2015; 4 years ago New system languages: Arabic, Czech, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Malay, Portuguese (Portugal), Vietnamese Right-to-left language support In Arabic, switch between Latin and Hindi numerals New Complication for Islamic and Hebrew calendars Siri support extended to include Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) English (Malaysia) Czech Greek Hebrew Hungarian Portuguese (Portugal) Vietnamese Resolved: Events not updating in the Calendar complication Resolved: Power Reserve mode not working correctly Resolved: 3rd-party apps not launching Resolved: 3rd-party app icons not displaying correctly Resolved: System instability when changing display language 2. 2 [21] 9. 3 13V144 March 21, 2016; 3 years ago You can now pair 2+ Apple Watches to a single iPhone New Nearby function in Maps New system languages: Catalan, Croatian, Slovak, Romanian, Ukrainian Catalan Croatian Slovak Romanian Ukrainian English (Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Indonesia) Siri support extended to include Malay, Finnish, and Hebrew Background heart rate measurements have their frequency increased when you're stationary 2. 2. 3. 2 13V420 May 16, 2016; 3 years ago General performance and stability improvements. 2. 3 13V604 July 18, 2016; 3 years ago watchOS 3. x [ edit] Table of versions: watchOS 3. x – Apple Watch [22] Series 1 Series 2 3. 0 10. 0 14S326 September 13, 2016; 3 years ago Initial Release on Apple Watch Series 1 (Dual-Core) and Apple Watch Series 2 (Dual-Core) Navigation Favorite apps in Dock Apps in Dock updates with up-to-date information on launch Dock can contain up to 10 apps Simple switch to different watch face with a swipe Control Center can be toggled with a swipe up Minnie Mouse face Activity faces Numerals faces Complications support for Photo, Photo Album, Timelapse, and Motion faces New Complications: Workout, Music, and Messages, etc. Face Gallery in Apple Watch app on iPhone 3rd-party Complications support Activity Share and compare activity rings Activity progress notifications for a person you have shared your activity progress with Smart replies for above notifications New "Sharing" tab on Activity app on iPhone Workout Quick start Customizable metrics view Gestures support for pausing, resuming, or marking segments Support for "Other" workouts not listed in built-in workout types Auto-pause in running workouts for inactivity Siri support Route maps with a speed indicator (Outdoor workouts only) For Wheelchairs Activity rings support for people using a wheelchair Pushes now contribute to the move ring Stand ring and "Time to Stand" notification substituted with Roll ring and "Time to Roll" notification Outdoor Run or Walk pace workouts Breathe app New app for breathing sessions Visualization and haptics indicate when to inhale or exhale Adjustments for session length and amount of breaths per minute Summary with heart rate "Time to Breathe" notifications Communication Full-screen effects for celebrations Tap to quick reply Animations for handwritten messages Send built-in or 3rd party stickers Ability to view secret messages Replies now available in Messages and Mail notifications New and redesigned emojis Scribble Write directly on Apple Watch and it will automatically convert to text Scroll through predictions with Digital Crown Available in English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese Emergency SOS You can now call emergency services by pressing and holding the side button Your SOS contacts will be notified with your location You can also display your Medical ID stored on your Watch Emergency numbers are automatically adjusted per your location Home New app to control accessories through HomeKit You can now control all your accessories directly from your wrist IP camera support: Watch live video with controls and notifications directly on your Watch New Reminders app New Find My Friends app Apple Pay support in 3rd-party apps New controls in the Calendar app: You can now delete events or switch calendars FaceTime audio calls support Search for Settings on Apple Watch app on iPhone New remote camera controls: Flash, Live Photos, HDR, Zoom, Burst, and facing New Siri languages: Spanish (Chile), Cantonese, English (Ireland), English (South Africa) 3. 1 10. 1 14S471 October 24, 2016; 3 years ago Bubbles and fullscreen effects on Messages can now be replayed Reduce Motion of Messages effects Resolved: "Timer complete" notification being delivered twice Resolved: Apple Watch Series 2 not fully charged Resolved: Disappeared Activity rings on watch faces Resolved: Force Touch options not appearing in 3rd-party apps 3. 2 14S883 December 12, 2016; 3 years ago Update withdrawn due to reports of Apple Watches no longer working after the update [23] 3. 3 10. 1 14S960 January 23, 2017; 3 years ago Resolved: Bricking Apple Watches after updating to watchOS 3. 1 Includes fixes from watchOS 3. 1, including... Resolved: Contact names not appearing in notifications and the Messages app Resolved: Unable to respond notifications Resolved: Stocks Complication not updating on watch faces Resolved: Activity rings not displaying on Activity watch faces Resolved: Dials of Analog watch faces not displaying after changing the temperature unit in the Weather app Resolved: Maps app still launching after navigation has ended Resolved: Month view of Calendars app showing incorrect dates 3. 2 10. 3 14V249 March 27, 2017; 2 years ago Siri now works with 3rd-party apps with features including... Start a workout Send messages Make payments Book rides Theater Mode New Scribble languages: French, Spanish, Italian Sync progress for music playlists is now displayed in the Apple Watch app on iPhone 3. 2 14V485 May 15, 2017; 2 years ago Bug fixes. 3. 3 14V753 July 19, 2017; 2 years ago Final version to support iPhone 5 watchOS 4. x [ edit] Table of versions: watchOS 4. x – Apple Watch [24] Series 3 Limited support on the Apple Watch (1st generation) 4. 0 11. 0 15R372 September 19, 2017; 2 years ago Initial Release on Apple Watch Series 3 (Dual-Core) Drops support for iPhone 5 Siri face with updates based on time, location, and daily routines Toy Story face with animated Toy Story characters Kaleidoscope face with static images turning into patterns Siri, News, Heart Rate, Now Playing, Messages Complications Personalized notifications Monthly challenges Full Screen animations for achievements and rings closed Workout metrics included in replies for Activity Sharing notifications App completely redesigned High Intensity Interval Training workout support Multiple workouts in a single session support Auto sets for Pool Swim workouts Synced music playlist support when starting workouts (Apple Watch 1st gen not supported) Music controls right inside the app Do Not Disturb can be automatically turned on when starting workouts Heart Rate Graphs for all-day heart rate New measurements including resting rate, walking average, workout average, workout high, recovery, and Breathe sessions High Heart Rate notifications support (Apple Watch 1st gen not supported) New Heart Rate data on iPhone including Heart Rate Variability and VO2 max Multiple playlists sync support for local playback with Bluetooth headphones Apple Music curated playlists sync support, includes Heavy Rotation, My New Music Mix, and My Favorites Mix News app added Flashlight and Safety Light can be toggled through Control Center Recent used apps in Dock App home screen in alphabetical view Gestures support in Mail Dialer pad right inside Phone app Conflicts for Calendar invites can now be displayed New language for Scribble: German New timers: sub-minute and repeating Recent locations and suggestions in Maps Contacts in Smart Reply, includes location 4. 1 15R654 October 4, 2017; 2 years ago Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS + Cellular) only Resolved: Apple Watches joining unauthenticated Wi-Fi networks 4. 1 11. 1 15R846 October 31, 2017; 2 years ago Music streaming support on Apple Music or iCloud Music Library (Apple Watch Series 3 only) New Radio app: Beats 1 Live Radio, custom stations, and expert-curated stations (Apple Watch Series 3 only) Find, discover, and play songs, albums, or albums using Siri Fitness data syncing support for more accurate metrics on GymKit-enabled treadmills, ellipticals, stair steppers, and indoor bikes Ability to disconnect from a Wi-Fi network right in Control Center (Apple Watch Series 3 GPS + Cellular model only) Resolved: Heart Rate notifications erroneously delivered to users who have not enabled the feature Resolved: Current Stand Hour indicator not correctly displayed Resolved: Haptics not delivered for silent alarms Resolved: Apple Watch (1st gen) not charging Resolved: Sunrise / Sunset complication not appearing on watch faces Mandarin Chinese now set as default dictation language in China 4. 2 11. 2 15S102 December 5, 2017; 2 years ago Apple Pay Cash support (US only) HomeKit sprinklers and faucet support 3rd-party app Workouts: distance, average Speed, number of runs, elevation descended for downhill snow sports (Apple Watch Series 3 only) Resolved: Crash when asking Siri about weather Resolved: Scrolling disabled in the Heart Rate app Resolved: Simultaneous timers and alarms not being independently dismissed 4. 2 15S542 January 23, 2018; 2 years ago This update includes improvements and bug fixes. 4. 3 15S600b February 19, 2018; 23 months ago Fixes an issue where using certain character sequences could cause apps to crash. 4. 3 11. 3 15T212 March 29, 2018; 22 months ago HomePod volume and playback control support Regaining control of music on iPhone Multiple orientation support on Nightstand mode Activity rings progress and new songs to Apple Music mixes are now shown on the Siri watch face Resolved: Activity achievements incorrectly awarded Resolved: Siri music commands not working for some audio 4. 4 15T567 May 29, 2018; 20 months ago Fixes an issue which caused Apple Watch to sometimes remain at the Apple Logo during startup for some users. 4. 4. 1 15U70 July 9, 2018; 18 months ago Final release supported on Apple Watch (1st generation) watchOS 5. x [ edit] WatchOS 5 was first shown to the public at the San Jose WWDC developer conference held by Apple. It had an instant watch-to-watch Walkie-Talkie mode. [25] This is the first version of watchOS to not support the first-generation Apple Watch. Table of versions: watchOS 5. x – Apple Watch [26] Watch family: Series 1 Series 4 5. 0 12. 0 16R364 September 17, 2018; 16 months ago Initial Release on Apple Watch Series 4 Compete with Friends notifications Auto detect workout and notification to turn off workout when done New workouts: Yoga and Hiking Pace Alerts and Cadence Podcasts New app for WatchOS Stream your favorite podcasts on the go with Cellular Apple Watch Walkie-Talkie A new watchOS app that allows you to do FaceTime Audio calls similar to talking on a walkie-talkie Watchface adds 3rd-party access to Siri Raise to speak. No longer need to say "Hey Siri" to activate Integrate with shortcuts like "I am on my way home" and Siri will start playing your favorite playlist on the way home Notifications Grouped notifications More actions you can do with Notifications Can view webpages from iMessages Do Not Disturb Can schedule Do Not Disturb events when leaving a location or just for a specific time period Student ID Cards 5. 1 16R381/16R382 September 27, 2018; 16 months ago Improvements and bug fixes 5. 1 12. 1 16R591 October 30, 2018; 15 months ago Update withdrawn due to reports of Apple Watches no longer working after the update [27] 5. 1 16R600 November 5, 2018; 14 months ago Addresses a problem in the WatchOS 5. 1 update leading to non-functional Apple Watches. Improvements to Series 4 automatic fall detection. Resolves a problem with completing setup of Walkie-Talkie. Resolves a problem with sending and receiving invitations for Walkie-Talkie. Resolves missing earned Activity awards. 5. 2 12. 1 16S46 December 6, 2018; 13 months ago New ECG app for Apple Watch Series 4 (US and US territories only) Irregular rhythm notification (US and US territories only) AFiB notification Other improvements and bug fixes 5. 3 12. 3 16S535 January 22, 2019; 12 months ago 5. 2 16T225 March 27, 2019; 10 months ago ECG app extended to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK Irregular rhythm notification extended to countries listed above 2nd gen AirPods support Real-time text support for phone calls 5. 3 16U113 May 13, 2019; 8 months ago ECG app extended to Croatia, Czech, Iceland, Poland, and Slovakia New Pride watch face Other bug fixes 5. 4 16U569 July 22, 2019; 6 months ago ECG app extended to Canada and Singapore Resolved: Security fix for Walkie-Talkie app that could enable the owner's iPhone to be eavesdropped [28] 5. 1 16U600 August 26, 2019; 5 months ago Re-patches a security vulnerability that was accidentally unpatched in the previous update Post-watchOS 6 Updates 5. 2 16U611 September 26, 2019; 4 months ago Apple Watch Series 1 and Apple Watch Series 2 only Security update for Series 1 and Series 2 watches [29] 5. 3 16U620 October 29, 2019; 3 months ago Apple Watch Series 1 and Apple Watch Series 2 only [ citation needed] Important security updates 5. 4 12. 4 16U627 [30] December 10, 2019; 55 days ago Apple Watch Series 1, 2, 3, and 4 only Security update for Series 1, 2, 3, and 4 watches [31] Final version to support iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 watchOS 6. x [ edit] Apple announced a new version of watchOS that would contain features such as the App Store, a calculator with tip tools, an audiobooks app, noise level monitoring, and Apple's Voice Memos app. [32] [33] [34] It will also enable special games that can only be played on the Watch interface. Table of versions: watchOS 6. x – Apple Watch Series 5 Limited support on the Apple Watch Series 1 6. 0 13. 0 17R575 September 19, 2019; 4 months ago Initial Release on Apple Watch Series 5 Not released for Apple Watch Series 1 and 2 Drops support for iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 Cycle Tracking New Cycle Tracking app for keeping your menstrual cycle and fertility metrics Notifications predicting a person's next menstrual cycle and fertile window. Noise New Noise app for detecting decibel levels in your surroundings. (Series 4 or later only) Notifications can be pushed when it detects that the noise in your surrounding is too high. Voice Memos New Voice Memos app for recording and listening to voice memos directly on Apple Watch Synced across all your devices as well. Audiobooks Now you can sync up to 5 hours of audiobooks to your Apple Watch Stream them when your Watch is connected via Wi-Fi or cellular App store New built-in App Store where you can find and download apps for your Watch. Supports Sign in with Apple Activity Trends Activity Trends in Activity app which includes all three activity rings, stand minutes, walking distance, walking pace, running pace, and VO 2 max. These are compared with data averaged over the last 90 days to the wearer's performance over the last year. Tips are given if a single trend is going down. New elevation metrics for Outdoor Run, Outdoor Walk, Outdoor Cycle, and Hiking workouts (Series 2 or later only) Stopwatch app can now be viewed on your watch face during workouts GymKit support for True and Woodway Now you can identify songs directly on your Watch -- with the ability to add identified songs to your Apple Music library New Siri Web Search -- shows up to 5 online results with the ability to view optimized Web content. Siri integration into the redesigned Find People app Watch Faces New Faces Numerals Mono and Numerals Duo (Available in Arabic, Arabic Indic, Roman numerals, and Devanagari) Meridian -- black or white dial which fills the screen and includes 4 complications (Series 4 or later only) Gradient -- Design dynamically changes as time passes. Available in full screen or circular with 5 complications (Series 4 or later only) California -- Supports multiple numeral styles in Roman, Arabic, and Devanagari in fullscreen or circular (Series 4 or later only) Solar Dial -- Depicts the Sun's path in circular form across a 24-hour dial (Series 4 or later only) Modular Compact -- With many complications and the option to choose between analog or digital time (Series 4 or later only) Tap to speak on all watch faces, supports up to 30 languages Receive and customize time-keeping chimes (An alert on the hour, every half hour or every 15 minutes, either with haptics or customizable chimes) Now you can reorder your Watch faces directly on your Watch New complications Calculator Cellular connectivity Wind Rain Voice memos New monochrome complications for Infograph and Infograph Modular faces New Calculator app with the ability to calculate tips and split checks Support for custom stations in the Podcasts app Smart Guidance and spoken navigation in Maps Redesigned Now Playing app with Apple TV Remote controls Personalized music picks in the For You tab Support for automatic software updates Redesigned Walkie-Talkie app Redesigned Find People app which allows you to add friends, set notifications, and change settings directly on your Watch Redesigned Reminders app with shared lists, subtasks, and the ability to add new reminders More settings for Accessibility, Workout, and Health 6. 1 13. 1 17R604/17R605 September 30, 2019; 4 months ago Resolves an issue where the Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse watch faces do not speak time. Addresses an issue where the calendar complication may not display events. Fixes a bug that could result in a loss of display calibration data. 6. 2 17S84 First version of watchOS 6. x to support Apple Watch Series 1 and 2 Support for AirPods Pro Brings watchOS 6 to Apple Watch Series 1 and Series 2 6. 3 17S449 6. 2 17S796 January 28, 2020; 6 days ago See also [ edit] tvOS macOS Wear OS References [ edit] ^ Juli Clover (January 28, 2020). "Apple Releases watchOS 6. 2 With Bug Fixes". MacRumors. Retrieved January 28, 2020. ^ "watchOS 6. 2 (17S796) - Releases - Apple Developer". Apple Developer. Apple Inc. January 28, 2020. Retrieved January 28, 2020. ^ a b "Apple Watch runs 'most' of iOS 8. 2, may use A5-equivalent processor". AppleInsider. Retrieved April 25, 2015. ^ "Apple announces watchOS 2 with third-party Apple Watch apps, new Timepieces, video playback, much more". 9to5Mac. June 8, 2015. Retrieved June 8, 2015. ^ "watchOS 2 final version released for Apple Watch users". Retrieved September 21, 2015. ^ "Apple's watch OS 2 is now live following bug delay". CNET. Retrieved September 23, 2015. ^ Juli Clover (September 17, 2018). "Apple Launches watchOS 5 With Walkie-Talkie, Apple Podcasts, Siri Shortcuts, New Watch Faces, Raise to Speak and More". Retrieved September 17, 2018. ^ "watchOS 5 adds powerful activity and communications features to Apple Watch". Apple Newsroom (Press release). Retrieved June 5, 2018. ^ Juli Clover (September 19, 2019). "Apple Releases watchOS 6 With Dedicated App Store, New Watch Faces, Noise Monitoring App and More". Retrieved September 19, 2019. ^ "How To Use and Organize Apple Watch Glances". iPhoneTricks. Retrieved April 27, 2015. ^ "Apple Watch – Technology". Apple. Retrieved December 26, 2014. ^ "Apple Is Going After The Health Care Industry, Starting With Personal Health Data". CB Insights Research. September 20, 2017. Retrieved May 28, 2018. ^ a b Phelan, David. "Apple Watch Secrets Revealed By Jony Ive, Health A Big Focus". Forbes. Retrieved May 28, 2018. ^ "Apple Watch's heart rate sensor can detect diabetes, Cardiogram study finds". Macworld. Retrieved May 28, 2018. ^ a b c "Apple Watch Firmware". Retrieved May 19, 2015. ^ "Apple Watch Timekeeping". Retrieved March 9, 2015. ^ "Apple Watch Built-in Apps". Retrieved June 29, 2015. ^ "watchOS 1. 01 information". Retrieved May 24, 2016. ^ "About the security content of watch OS 1. 1 – Apple Support". Retrieved June 29, 2015. ^ "Download watchOS 2. 0 – 2. 2 Information".. Retrieved June 22, 2019. ^ a b c d e f "watchOS 2. x information". Retrieved May 24, 2016. ^ "Download watchOS 3. 0 – 3. 3 Information".. Retrieved June 22, 2019. ^ "Apple has temporarily pulled the watchOS 3. 1 update due to reports of it bricking devices". December 14, 2016. Retrieved December 14, 2016. ^ "About watchOS 4 Updates". Apple Support. Retrieved June 22, 2019. ^ Alfred Ng; Shara Tibken (September 12, 2018). "Apple Watch Series 4 starts at $399, packs larger displays and EKG sensor". CNET. ^ "About watchOS 5 Updates". Retrieved June 22, 2019. ^ Kelion, Leo (October 31, 2018). "Apple Watch owners asked to return devices for repair after update glitch". BBC News. Retrieved October 31, 2018. ^ Clover, Juli. "Apple's Walkie-Talkie Apple Watch App Works Again Following iOS 12. 4 and watchOS 5. 3 Release".. Retrieved July 23, 2019. ^ "About the security content of watchOS 5. 2". Apple Inc. ^ "watchOS 5. 4 (16U627) - Releases - Apple Developer". December 10, 2019. Retrieved December 10, 2019. ^ "About the security content of watchOS 5. 4". Apple Inc. ^ Heather Kelly (June 3, 2019). "Everything Apple announced at WWDC, from Apple sign-in to dark mode". CNN. ^ "watchOS 6 advances health and fitness capabilities for Apple Watch" (Press release). Retrieved June 6, 2019. ^ "watchOS 6 Preview". Retrieved June 6, 2019. External links [ edit] watchOS – official site.

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